100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Home / 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

100 Hour Yoga TTC Details

  • Duration: 12 Nights / 13 Days
  • Level:Beginner Level
  • Certification:Yoga Alliance, USA
  • Course Start Date: 01st of every month
  • Course End Date: 13th of every month
  • Style: Multi Style Yoga

Course Fee

USD $545 4th Shared Room
USD $645 Twin Shared Room
USD $795 Private Room

100 Hour Yoga Course Overview

Learn and grow to become a certified yoga teacher

Our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is a certified course by Himalayan YTTC, Rishikesh. We welcome people of all backgrounds and levels of experience to learn yoga from zero to hero. This course is specialise designed for those who don’t have enough availability for 24 Days 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. 100 hour Yoga TTC is a half part of 200 hour Yoga TTC. So You can complete one part now and another part later then You will be eligible for 200 hour Yoga Certification by Yoga Alliance.

Our 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training course will definitely help you to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This is a completely beginner-level yoga course. So you don’t need to worry about whether you have yoga experience or not. You still join our 100 Hour Yoga YTTC if you never did yoga in your life.

Our 100 Hour Yoga YTTC is a fine combination of yoga asanas, meditation, pranayama, Indian philosophy, and many other great topics. We also include teaching methodology to help you become the perfect teacher. You can adopt yoga practice to become the best version of yourself and share this knowledge with others.

If your aim is not to become a yoga teacher and you just want to get a good knowledge of yoga for yourself still this is the best course for you. It helps you to get deep knowledge of Yoga which you can apply in your life and make your life more perfect.

Yoga Asana Practice

Yoga Asana Practice

We provide 2 to 3 hour yoga asana sessions. Our sessions offer a blend of traditional Hatha yoga style, Ashtanga , and Vinyasa yoga styles. All asana practices aim to balance the body, mind, and soul. This will focus on developing strength and flexibility along with breath control.

Pranayama Practice

Pranayama Practice

In all our yoga courses, we teach Pranayama techniques to improve breath control and energy flow. Pranayama involves many breathing exercises, which are beneficial to the practitioner in a way of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Additionally, we teach advanced techniques of breath retention.

Teaching Methodology

Teaching Methodology

For becoming a yoga teacher, You should have a good understanding of Teaching Methodology . Here We wil teach you how to deal with students, importance effective communication, How to prepare class sequence & schedule etc. Additionally, We explain How to describe practices & technique clearly while teaching in the Class. We will also give you some classes to handle

Yoga History and Philosophy

Yoga History and Philosophy

Yoga Philosophy will help you to understand like the roots of tree. Without roots a tree can not stand strong and in a same way without understanding where yoga come from and it’s really mean. You can not understand yoga very well. A brief important yoga text, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradapika, Bhagvat Gita etc. is covered in this course.



Meditation is very effective way for mental peace. Our mind is entangled in many problems, So We have to free from that entaglement. Only then We will able to learn yoga well. That’s why meditation is important part of Yoga. Topic covered include the foundation of meditation, yog nidra, tratak meditation etc. It helps you to develop a consistent meditation practice and teach it effectively.

Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

Knowing your body from physical is also important. To help you to understand the root of any problem. It help us to learning how yoga poses and other practices bring changes in our body. Anatomy is all about how body is built and how its parts are connected. Physiology is about how the different parts of the body work and how they interact with each other. This include topic such as the skeletal, muscular, respiratory system etc

Why Choose Rishikesh for 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training ?

Train where yoga began, in the peaceful Himalayas

Yoga is the only answer when people seek complete physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world, caters to all these possibilities in one place. Rishikesh is a beautiful city in the gateway of the Himalayas.

Beautiful Landscapes : Rishikesh is covered by many mountains and hills, which make this a more beautiful city for a yoga journey. Rishikesh is located on the bank of the sacred river Ganges. During the excursion, we organise to do yoga and meditation just bank of the Ganges. You can also go for a jungle walk comfortably

Birthplace of Yoga : Rishikesh is the birthplace of yoga. Since ancient times, many saints and yogis have practiced yoga on this land of Adiyogi Lord Shiva himself. Therefore, choosing Rishikesh connects you directly to the origins and teachings of yoga.

Authentic Yoga Experience : Rishikesh has been teaching yoga for many years. Here you can get highly experienced and certified yoga instructors who have devoted their life to yoga.

Hub for Yoga Lover : Rishikesh is the ideal place to join the yoga community. Many yoga spiritual yogi gurus live in Rishikesh, which attracts yogis from around the world. People come here for many yoga courses like 100-hour YTTC, 200-hour YTTC, 300-hour YTTC, Yoga Retreat, etc. Rishikesh also organises many yoga festivals all over the year.

Exploration and adventure : Rishikesh is a complete package for yoga and adventure. Along with yoga, you can join river rafting, bungee jumping, trekking, and many other adventure activities.

Optimal Climate : The climate and peaceful environment of Rishikesh are ideal for yoga and meditation. Therefore, our yoga school runs a 200-hour yoga teacher training course throughout the year. So, capitalise on this best time of the year to empower yourself with great Yogic wisdom

Flexible Path to 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification

Train where yoga began, in the peaceful Himalayas

Our 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is an excellent opportunity for yoga enthusiasts who have limited time but wish to begin their practice for personal well-being or to become a yoga teacher and share the wisdom of yoga for the greater benefit of others. It is a perfect option for those eager to learn yoga and become certified teachers but who don't have sufficient time to complete a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training.

The 100 Hour Teacher Training at our Yoga school is conducted every month for thirteen consecutive days and comprises the first half of the 200 Hour Teacher Training Course. Therefore, after completing the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, students can choose to complete the second half of the 200 hour training later to become a certified 200 hour Yoga Teacher.

Daily Schedule for 100 Hour Yoga TTC

Your day-to-day guide for a balanced and fulfilling training

A regular day in the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh begins with morning pranayama, and Hatha yoga practice (asanas) to improve strength and flexibility. After a yogic brunch, students attend mid-morning classes on yoga philosophy, anatomy & Ayurveda. Following a snack or fruits break, there's time for self-study and rest. The evening starts with Ashtanga or Vinyasa yoga practice and then moves into teaching methodology sessions to build confidence and teaching skills. The day ends with calming meditation and relaxation, followed by a healthy dinner, preparing students for the next day’s practice.

06:00 –07:00 Pranayama / Mantra

07:00 - 08:30 Yoga Asana Practice

08:30 - 10:00 Breakfast

10:00 - 11:00 Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

11:00 - 12:00Yoga Alignment

12:00 - 13:00Yoga Philosophy

13:00 - 14:00Lunch

14:00 - 16:00Rest Time

16:00 - 17:00 Ashtanga & Vinyasa Practice

17:00 - 18:00 Meditation / Yog Nidra

18:00 - 19:00 Dinner

19:00 - 21:00 Rest Time

21:00 Silence / Lights OFF

Quick Form


Schedules are subject to change
No Classes on Sunday

Dates & Fees for 100 Hour Yoga TTC Program

Upcoming sessions and how to join

Date Availability 4th Shared Twin Shared Private Room Booking

1 Oct - 13 Oct 2024 Booking Closed ⛔ 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Unavailable

1 Nov - 13 Nov 2024 7 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now

1 Dec - 13 Dec 2024 8 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now

1 Jan - 13 Dec 2025 10 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now

1 Feb - 13 Feb 2025 12 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now

1 Mar - 13 Mar 2025 14 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now

1 Apr - 13 Apr 2025 16 Seats Left 4th Shared$545 USD Twin Shared$645 USD Private Room$795 USD Apply Now


You need to arrive a day before course start date.
Additional charges for AC or Room Heater apply only to the 4th Shared Room.
Please be aware that we do not have segregated 4-sharing rooms based on gender. Our 4-sharing rooms are open to guests of all genders, and you may be sharing the room with individuals of different genders.

Curriculum and Syllabus

What you'll learn during the course

You can learn different yoga styles, like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga. It covers the theory and practice of fundamental yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation practices, and yoga philosophy. The course covers body anatomy, alignment principles for safe practice, and teaching methods to help students gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become confident teachers.

  • Introduction & History of Asana
  • How to do this Asana dynamic way step by step?
  • Anatomical aspects of the Asana
  • Therapeutically approaching
  • Corrections
  • Modifications
  • How to do Asanas meditatively ?
  • Single Leg Lift - Hold and Raise - Urdwa Prasarita Eka Padasana

  • Introduction to Ashtanga yoga (Primary series) followed by Sun salutation A & B.Stretching and Strengthening Practice For Transitions and Traditional Postures In The Sequence.
  • Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.
  • Seated sequence postures & Finishing sequence postures.
  • Mysore style & Teaching practice.

  • Introduction to Vinyasa flow and Hatha vinyasa flow.
  • What is a difference between Vinyasa flow and Hatha vinyasa flow?
  • Pawanmukht asana series(joints movements)
    • Series 1 - Anti-rheumatic
    • Series 2 - Digestive/abdominal
    • Series 3 - Shakti Bandha
  • Hatha sunsalutation and Moon salutation.
  • Asthanga sunsalutation.
  • Asana practice
    • Standing posture
    • Balancing posture (arm, one legged)
    • Sitting posture with twisting and forward bending
    • Prone posture
    • Backward extensions
    • Inversions (upside-down)
    • Supine posture
    • Relaxing posture
  • Restorative asanas.
  • Teaching methodology.

  • The theory is just as important as practising.

    Note- Understanding how we can create a sequence for beginner practitioners and intermediate practitioners and what you need to do in class.

  • Introduction to Philosophy . Goal meaning & definition yoga.
  • How to achieve the goal of yoga & importance of scriptures in process.
  • Shruti & Smriti
  • Indian Schools of thought astika & nastika
  • History of Yoga- ( Classical Yoga-) Hatha Yoga
  • Modern Yogis
  • Types of Yoga Bhakti karma kriya kundalini,Raja Yoga
  • Raja Yoga – Patanjali yoga intro 8 limbs and everyone will repeat
  • 8 limbs in detail Yama Niyama
  • Asan Pranyam Pratyhar
  • Dharna Dhyan Samadhi
  • First three sutra of patanjali
  • Scriptures: Bhagwad Gita
  • Four Castes & Four stages of life
  • Buddhism & Vipassana
  • Panch Klesha Avidya Asmita Raag Dvesha Abhinivesh
  • Panch Koshas
  • Chakras
  • Revision

  • Sound healing
  • Keertan meditation

  • Introduction to Pranayama
  • Benefits of Pranayama
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Introduction to Ashta Kumbhaka
  • Theoretical Knowledge and Practical experience in Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhan, Surya Bhedi, Chandra Bhedi, Sheetkari, Sheetali, Ujjayi, Bhramari, Bhastrika, Antar and Bahir Kumbakh, Tri bandhas
  • Pancha Prana breathing
  • Sequencing of Pranayama
  • Introduction to shatkarma
  • Practical experience of Jala neti, Rubber neti, Trataka & Kunjal
  • Benefits of Shatkarma practise

  • What is alignment and why it is important
  • What is an Asana , an exercise and a movement
  • What is ideal alignment of body
  • How to avoid misalignment
  • How body can be positioned to optimise the Asana and exercise
  • 9 major joints of the body movements patterns
  • How to move and position the joints of body with safety and avoid injury
  • What are the best possible patterns of movements
  • How to prepare for an Asasna
  • How to modify and do variation in an Asana
  • Common mistakes in Asana
  • How to adjust students in Asanas and classes
  • Alignment of all types Sun Salutations
  • Alignment of standing, balancing, forward bend , backbends, sidebends , twisting and inversions.

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • Benefits of Meditation
  • Importance of meditation
  • Meditation and Brain health
  • Meditation & it’s effect on Stress Management
  • Obstacles in Meditation
  • Role of Concentration in Meditation
  • Tips for developing concentration
  • Meditation on Body & Breath
  • Om Chanting Meditation
  • Antar & Bahir Tratak
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Tips for Silent Meditation
  • Ajapa japa
  • Antar Mouna
  • Nada Meditation

  • Written Test
  • Asana Practical Test
  • Vinyasa Flow teaching to the class
  • Attendance, Performance & behaviour

Food & Accommodation

Comfortable living and healthy meals for your stay

yogic food yoga teacher training rishikesh

Satvik Yogic Food

Sattiv food is necessary for any yoga students. It helps our body and mind to make a good balance for our spiritual journey. Sattiv food is like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and diary, etc. It will be very helpful for reducing stress and increasing your focus power. By taking sattiv diet in your day to day life, You can grow yourself by spiritually and physically.

If you required any other specific diet like vegan, gluten free, etc. So We can try to manage that as well.

accommodation for 200 hour yoga ttc

Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh with food

Accommodation and Facilities

Comfortable Living Spaces

Himalaya YTTC provides comfortable accommodation with all the necessary facilities. We have Twin-sharing rooms, and private rooms, all with attached bathrooms providing a peaceful environment for yoga training course or retreat. Each room is well ventilated, clean, and cozy, equipped with comfortable beds, clean linens, bed sheets, duvet covers, curtains, and a wardrobe to store your stuff.

All our rooms have windows so you can enjoy the beautiful views. Each room has an air-conditioned/heater installed, and includes a study area with a table and chair. For added comfort, each attached bathroom is equipped with a geyser for hot water and has bath towels and toiletries such as toilet paper, soap dispensers, and hand towels, providing a convenient stay throughout your training. Rooms on the top floor of Himalayan YTTC offer a mountain view that enhances relaxation, while other rooms offer city views.

Additional Amenities

Extra benefits to enhance your experience

  • Fast and Free Wi-Fi access to stay connected.
  • A projector in the Yoga hall.
  • Power backup to ensure uninterrupted sessions.
  • 24/7 hot and cold water supply in the bathrooms.
  • Laundry facilities readily available nearby.
  • A Study Area with a coffee table and a chair
  • UV-filtered cool drinking water is available round the clock.
  • Yoga mats and props provided for practice.
  • Transportation assistance for local travel and excursions.
  • Easy access to nature walks along the Ganges River.
  • Door Lock with Private key in all Rooms
  • Every Sunday Fresh Towel and Bedsheets

Orientation Day

Getting started and what to expect on the first day

The opening ceremony of the yoga course at Himalayan YTTC begins with getting together in the yoga hall, where our lead teacher will explain all about the school, course, rules, and regulations of the campus. After that, all students give their introduction and make some new contact. After that, we start hawan ceremoney (fire ceremoney), where everyone gathers to pray for the smoothest completion of the yoga program.

After the fire ceremony, our lead teacher will distribute some yoga tools, like the course manual, bag, t-shirt, neti pot, and other essentials for the daily schedule.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher training in Rishikesh

Our Expert Yoga Teaching Team

Learn from skilled and knowledgeable teachers

All our teachers and gurus are experienced instructors who are well trained and well-versed in all things about yoga – ensuring that all of our graduates are fully equipped to be successful. All teachers here have a Masters in Yogic Science as well as certificates from the Yoga Alliance.

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Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh

Book Your Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh

Book Before Feb 30th To Get 10% Discount!!!

Certification and Accreditation

Earn a recognized certification upon completion

After completing the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh at Himalayan YTTC, Rishikesh, you will receive a certificate of completion by Himalayan YTTC.

This certification prove that you have completed two weeks of Yoga Teacher Training at a Registered Yoga School.

However, a minimum RYT 200 certification from Yoga Alliance is required to teach yoga professionally, awarded only after completing the full 200 hour YTTC. Therefore, to qualify for the Yoga Alliance registered teacher certification, you must complete an additional 100 hours or two weeks of training. The 100 Hour YTTC covers the first and second modules of the 200 Hour YTTC, and you need to finish the remaining 100 hours comprising of the third and fourth modules of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training to be eligible to teach yoga professionally.

If you have previously completed the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course , you are welcome to complete the remaining 100 hour training at our globally renowned Yoga School in Rishikesh and earn the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training certificate accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA.

yoga alliance usa certification

This certification validates your comprehensive understanding of yoga and qualifies you to teach internationally. Accredited certification increases your credibility as a yoga teacher and opens up opportunities for further training and teaching around the world.

Admission Requirements & Process

How to apply and what you need to get started

Admission Requirement

To join our 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, make sure you follow these requirements:

  • Minimum age to apply for it is 18 years old.
  • All classes are in English. A basic understanding of English is enough.
  • You should let us know about any medical issues or sensitivities ahead of time.
  • A self-disciplined person can fully commit to a focused training program.
  • International students must have a visa to travel to India. This visa is needed for the 24 days of their course.

Those who meet these criteria can fill out our application form, available on our website, and submit it along with the required deposit to secure their place on the course. We invite students from diverse backgrounds and experience levels to join our transformative training program at our prestigious Yoga School in Rishikesh.

Application Process

Joining our program is easy and can be done by following these simple steps:

  • Fill out the Application Form available on our website.
  • Pay 20% amount in advance to book your spot in the course.
  • Once we receive your application and the advance amount, we'll confirm your enrollment via email.

Note:The advance amount required to book your spot in the course is non-refundable. If for any reason you are unable to attend the program, the deposited amount will be valid for the next 12 months from the start date of the program that you initially opted for.

Fees and Payment Options

  • A non-refundable deposit of 20 % of the total amount is required to secure your seat in the course.
  • The remaining 80% balance, You need to pay on arrival via Cash USD or INR, Bank Transfer, PayPal, Credit or Debit Cards etc. ✅
Our Guest’s Expression

What our students say about us

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions You May Have

The 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is ideal for beginners who want a complete understanding and introduction to yogic practices, people interested in yoga but have limited time and aspiring yoga teachers who can only commit to part of the 200 hour yoga teacher training at a time.

You will receive Himalayan YTTC’s 100 Hour Yoga certification. NOT BY YOGA ALLIANCE

You can return to complete the remaining 100 hours of the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. This flexibility allows you to work toward achieving the full 200 hour certification at your own pace.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher training is a short-term intensive course. It is scheduled six days a week and includes one day off between two weeks. This day off gives you time to rest, explore the local area, or do your tasks.

There are no strict requirements for the 100 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This program is designed for beginners as well as those who want to deepen their yoga practice. A basic understanding of yoga is helpful but optional.

You should bring comfortable clothing appropriate for yoga practice, personal yoga gear (like a yoga mat, if you prefer), toiletries, and any necessary items. We provide most of the yoga equipment and props needed for training.

Activity During Yoga Teacher Training Course In Rishikesh

Engaging activities to enrich your yoga journey

Outdoor Yoga Practice in Rishikesh

Outdoor Yoga Practice

Discover the peace of yoga in the midst of nature, with the Himalayas and the Ganges river as your backdrop.

Kirtan in Rishikesh


Engage in the heart-stirring devotional singing practise known as kirtan, which uplifts the spirit and promotes a sense of community.

Waterfall in Rishikesh


Visit stunning waterfalls to connect with nature while soaking in the energising energy of the gushing water.

Ganga Arti in Rishikesh

Ganga Arti

Experience a profoundly spiritual experience by attending the mesmerising Ganga Aarti ceremony, a spiritual rite that takes place on the banks of the Ganges.

Sunrise Trek to Kunjapuri Temple

Sunrise Trek to Kunjapuri Temple

Take a breath-taking walk to Kunjapuri Temple, where you'll see a magnificent dawn over the Himalayas that will leave you speechless and inspired.



Place has very good vibes and it is situated on the bank of river Ganga. The meditation experience within cave is an awesome divine experience.


The scheduling of activities like sunrise treks and Ganga Aarti ceremonies varies based on weather and transportation. We decide on these experiences week by week to ensure the best possible conditions for our participants.

Important Notes

Always Rememeber You Are The Whole

Code Of Conduct For Students

Yogic discipline and a recommended code of conduct are expected from all our dear students. Himalayan Yoga Ashram has the following disciplinary rules for our participants.

  • Smoking and Alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.
  • Inform the kitchen manager in advance if you have a fast on any day to avoid food wastage.
  • Always maintain discipline within the premises and be respectful to the teachers by obeying all the rules.
  • Maintain punctuality and arrive on time for the classes – latecomers will not be permitted to join sessions.
  • Return books, maps, or any goods which you might have borrowed from our institution.
  • offers accommodation only for its students who join our Yoga courses, not to friends or family.
  • Complete attendance is compulsory in all the scheduled programs of

How To Reach

Easy directions to get to Rishikesh

  • 1BY Air

    You need to arrive at the New Delhi airport. You can also get a connecting flight from New Delhi to Dehradun Airport which is very close to Rishikesh (30 minutes by taxi). Taxis can be booked through us from both airports at the actual cost.

  • 2BY Train

    You need to arrive at the New Delhi airport. Then, You need to take train from New Delhi Railway Station to Yog Nagri Railway Station.

  • 3BY Taxi

    You need to arrive at the New Delhi airport. You can also get a connecting flight from New Delhi to Dehradun Airport which is very close to Rishikesh (30 minutes by taxi). Taxis can be booked through us from both airports at the actual cost.

  • 4BY Bus

    You need to arrive at the New Delhi airport. Then, You need to visit ISBT Bus Station New Delhi and take a bus to Rishikesh

Taxi Fare

Delhi to Ashram USD 70 / INR 5500
Dehradun to Ashram USD 15 / INR 1,200

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Essential reading for your yoga training


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Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Join Our YTTC Course With Additional Workshops Enhancing Yogic Dimension

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