Don’t Let Your Yoga Routine Get Stale!

It is easy and natural to settle into a routine; especially in the cold winter months. No shame in a little hibernation, we have all been there.

But now that spring is in the air let shake up our routine! We don’t have to change everything to add in a much needed pep into our practice. Here are simple ways to shake things up this spring!

1. Try A New Class

Are you a Vinyasa junkie? Pick up a Yin based class! Only go to Hatha classes? Give Iyengar a try! We all have room to grow and sometimes switching up our practice can be a great way to facilitate this growth. It can be easy to stay in a practice that we are comfortable in but finding a little discomfort can go a long ways.

2. Meet a New Teacher

No this is not considered ‘cheating’ on your favorite teacher. While a long and steady relationship with a teacher can help is so many ways, sometimes a fresh voice is just what we need to understand our practice in a new way. Everyone teacher has their own voice, all of which we can learn from in one way or another!

3. Find a New Intention

We often set intentions or dedications for our practice. It is amazing how this practice can have a profound effect on our breath and movements during class. Take some time to reflect on something or someone outside of yourself and let this new intention inspire your practice!

4. Add Another Layer

Yoga is a practice that expands far beyond an asana. Exploring another layer or aspect of yoga is a very natural way to deepen our own connection. What is your Dosha? How can we practice Pranayama? What is Drishti? Or Meditation? Pick one new thing you’d like to learn about and go for it!


Yoga is a journey, not a destination. With spring around the corner, it’s a perfect time to shake up your routine and discover new aspects of your practice. From trying a new class, meeting a new teacher, finding a new intention, or exploring a new layer of yoga, the possibilities are endless! Remember, if you want to take your practice to the next level, consider a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. This transformative journey will deepen your understanding of the philosophy and practice of yoga, helping you grow both on and off the mat.
